Today I saw my two other Fuling Sisters, Chessie and Sophie. They joined our group the night before. The parents decided we were going to walk to the Forbidden City (we didn't have a say in it). It was a long walk (my Dad said it was about 2 kilometers). We posed outside of the Forbidden City.

[From Left LeAnne, Mya, Sophie, Lily, Carli, Chessie - outside the forbidden City Entrance]

[Lily poses inside the Forbidden City]
Dad bought us a map of the forbidden city for 5y. It showed all of the places we could see.

[Map of the forbidden city]
Chessie and Sophie ran around after Kathleene said it was ok. They needed to run out some of their extra energy.

[Chessie and Sophie run across the Forbidden City]
Mya posed in front of the first building. It was sort of crowded. There were a lot of people walking around and taking pictures. It was kind of a big place.
[Mya in front of Forbidden City]
Two pictures my Dad took with his camera showing how big that first section of the forbidden City is.

We walked in one side of the Forbidden City and left on the other side. We walked and walked and walked all the way back to the hotel. I was tortured and wanted to take a rickshaw or a cab back. Dad said it was about a Kilometer walking through the forbidden City and then another two Kilometers walking back to the hotel.

Two pictures my Dad took with his camera showing how big that first section of the forbidden City is.

We walked in one side of the Forbidden City and left on the other side. We walked and walked and walked all the way back to the hotel. I was tortured and wanted to take a rickshaw or a cab back. Dad said it was about a Kilometer walking through the forbidden City and then another two Kilometers walking back to the hotel.
That makes FIVE kilometers that we walked. Crazy! That's about 4 miles!
After we got back we ate a yummy dinner (Dad said sort of Thai food). Me and Sophie wanted sushi, maybe tomorrow. We watched the people cook the food through a special window.
Then we went shopped for swim suites for Chessie and Carli. I bought too, but it didn't fit. Good thing I brought one. We went swimming in the fancy swimming pool. They had chandeliers above the pool and we were not allowed to throw the floaty circles because of that.
We also had to wear swim caps. Dad looked hilarious in his. Mine was cute - pink!
After swimming all of the families met for the first time in a meeting, and we got red scarves to wear. We also got a kite, some colors and a diary. After that we went to Sophie and Chessie's room while my Dad showed some of the families how to get to the market (for water and snacks).
We went to bed at 10pm and have to wake up at 6am the next morning.

1 comment:
It is such a pleasure to access your blog and so be a part of your wonderful adventure! The pictures are fantastic and Lily's point of view is refreshing. I am glad you two are having a great time.
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