On Tuesday morning, grampa drove us to the aitport. Dad had to move stuff around in the bags because one was too heavy. oops. Then we waited for a while and got on the plane. It was a long plane ride to Tokyo / Japan. I watched 4 movies on way there. The flight took forever. When we got to Tokyo, we switched to another plane. We had 20 minutes. I almost got lost looking for the bathroom. I went in a big circle twice, looking and looking for the bathroom. Finally my Dad helped me find it. We met a nice lady from Panama who was also traveling to Beijing. She used to be a teacher and is retired now. In Seatle, she taught 5th grade Spanish and Sewing.

The flight from Tokyo to Beijing went really quickly, because I fell asleep. My Dad woke me up right when we landed in Beijing. That seemed like a 30 minute flight. We landed, picked up our bags and met Brian, who drove us to the hotel. We got into our room around 11pm and went to bed. It was pretty cold in Beijing - 32 degrees. brrrr.
Lily, Sounds like your off to an exciting adventure so far. I hope you have a warm jacket for the cold weather. I love you and miss you already. Love Mom
hey lily and dad i miss you so much i hope you enjoyed your 16 hour flight and are having a great time
Love: Michael
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